2665 S. Bayshore Drive, Suite 1204, Miami, Florida 33133

Tag Archives: family law attorneys Miami

How Much Say Does a Child Have Regarding Custody?

In regards to child custody and time-sharing, these are decisions that are made by the court and the parents in an amicable divorce. Hence, if you’re curious as to whether a child has any decision-making leeway into making such decisions, the short answer is no, they do not. Although children can’t make decisions regarding custody […]

What’s an Annulment All About In Florida?

What is the different between annulment and divorce? Divorce is when a marriage is legally dissolved and it often includes dividing assets as well as resolving several other marriage-related issues dependent on the state where the divorce petition was filed. An annulment is also a legal action that signals the end of a marriage. However, […]

A Brief Look at High Asset Divorces

Does your divorce involve large assets? If your marriage has significantly broken down, you may be eager to get the process over with as quickly as possible. With large assets, taking time means a divorce settlement that is fair and equitable. Failing to take all debts into account is among the most common errors made […]

What Is Parental Alienation?

“Parental alienation” is a term used to describe when a child prefers to ally themselves with one parent, often resulting in the other being rejected despite there not being a legitimate justification for the alienation. This often happens due to the influence of the “preferred” parent encouraging the child to reject the other parent. Children […]

Credit Reports and Divorce Proceedings

During a force, the court will ensure your assets and debts and those of your soon to be former spouse will be divided equitably versus equally. This is important to know because it means that the court will look to do what it deems fair instead of focusing on being equal. The court must therefore […]

Are You Divorcing? Examine Your Will

A divorce can be an overwhelming process, typically requiring a complete upheaval of your life. There are also factors that may come into play like child support, financial issues, or even bankruptcy in some cases. One thing that’s worth remembering and may get overlooked is your will. Usually, couples who have a will would have […]

A Few Reasons to Consider a Prenup

Property division isn’t something couples tend to think about when they choose to get married. However, all marriages will eventually come to an end, whether it’s because of divorce or one spouse passing away. A prenuptial agreement is, therefore, something you may wish to strongly consider. A prenuptial arrangement gives guarantees to your children should […]

Making Changes to a Custody Arrangement

With any decision involving child custody, the interests and well-being of the child will be the top factor. Should a parent wish to make changes to a finalized child custody arrangement, the process will require some work. The party requesting the change to the arrangement must be able to show that circumstances are material, substantial, […]

Figuring Out Roles After Divorce

Defining boundaries after divorce Following a divorce, a major challenge that will need to be addressed is readjusting roles and defining boundaries. Childless couples may simply decide to cease all future communication with each other but this becomes practically impossible when there are children involved, necessitating to establish roles. For starters, remember that you and […]

Avoid These Money Errors During Divorce

Financial issues to avoid during divorce One of the trickier aspects of the divorce process beyond child custody is figuring out and managing finances, especially if there is no prenuptial agreement present and both spouses were accustomed to keeping a shared account. Since it can be tough to manage money during a marriage dissolution, it’s […]


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