2665 S. Bayshore Drive, Suite 1204, Miami, Florida 33133


Recent Blog Posts

Back to School After a Divorce

A new school year will be commencing soon. If you are a single parent, it is possible you may have to coordinate with your ex-spouse to ensure that your child’s schedule remains on track without any issues arising. There are some simple ways to do this. For starters, make use of a calendar. With online […]

Can Child Support End Earlier

In most cases involving divorce, child support will also be part of the expenses involved. Most people are aware that child support ends once the child turns eighteen years of age. However, there may be circumstances where this support may continue, such as if past payments are owed or if the child needs ongoing care […]

Parental Rights as an Unwed Father

Fathers play a vital role in a child’s life. For unwed fathers wishing to maintain a relationship with their child, but have parted ways with the mother, this may prove to be a challenge. At Rafool, LLC, we have represented clients who wish to maintain visitation rights or establish a joint custody agreement with the […]

David Hazouri Presents at the Florida Bar’s Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Committee

Last month, Partner David Hazouri arranged and assisted in the EDDE 4-hour CLE presentation at the Florida Bar’s Annual Convention held at the Boca Raton Hotel and Resort as the out-going Chairman of the Florida Bar’s Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Committee of the Business Law Section. David Hazouri curated and MC’d a half-day, four […]

Discussing Legal Family Matters with Loved Ones

Dealing with a matter involving family law may result in a tremendous amount of stress for those involved as well as other family members. Whether it’s determining custody, splitting property, or a divorce, sensitivity is important during the process. In some cases, a person may turn to their family members as means of finding support […]

The Importance of Paying Alimony

Having to pay alimony to your former spouse probably isn’t the most pleasant experience. If the divorce was acrimonious, your wishes probably involve not having to deal with the person anymore. It is imperative that alimony payments are made on time. Refusing to pay court-ordered alimony has serious ramifications. It is possible to be held […]

How Do Annulments and Divorces Differ?

It’s not uncommon to read a news story about a Hollywood couple choosing to call it quits by having their marriage annulled. How does that differ from the more common divorce? Most people have an understanding of divorce as the legal dissolving of a marriage, which may involve factors such as alimony or child support. […]

What Happens to Pets in a Divorce?

For many of us, pets are considered important members of the family. While divorce laws are clear when it comes to what happens with children in a divorce, what about custody involving our four-legged friends? While pets may mean a great deal to us, they are considered personal property under Florida law. This means they […]

Dividing Property During a Divorce

When it comes to the division of property in a divorce, Florida is among the states where marital property is divided in a fair manner. This can be a daunting process and it is up to both spouses to ensure that they disclose all of the marital property that is in their possession, which extends […]

What Happens If a Parent Wants to Move?

Following a divorce, a person may wish to relocate within the state of Florida or move out of the state entirely for countless reasons. If the person is the parent of a child, however, it is not as simple as packing up and moving on. If the parent plans on taking the child with them, […]


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