2665 S. Bayshore Drive, Suite 1204, Miami, Florida 33133

Category Archives: Miami family law lawyers

Making Changes to a Custody Arrangement

With any decision involving child custody, the interests and well-being of the child will be the top factor. Should a parent wish to make changes to a finalized child custody arrangement, the process will require some work. The party requesting the change to the arrangement must be able to show that circumstances are material, substantial, […]

Two Common Divorce Myths

Most people believe they grasp the law of divorce, without possessing a proven capacity to distinguish what is the truth and what is fallacy. Today’s blog post discusses some of divorce law’s most popular misconceptions. We’ll begin with prenuptial agreements which, contrary to popular belief are not necessarily always binding. There are several factors that […]

Managing Long Distance Parenting

Every parenting scenario is different and in some cases, long-distance parenting may be necessary. A parent may live far from their child for multiple reasons including their employment or they may be deployed somewhere far away as part of the military. With these scenarios, it’s extra important to maintain a relationship with the child. In […]

Is Your Boating Vessel at Risk?

Boating is a popular pastime in Florida. Many people own boating vessels to enjoy a fun day on the water with friends and loved ones or as a way to make money. Should a scenario arise where you find yourself facing divorce, you may be curious as to what will become of your boat. In […]

Figuring Out Roles After Divorce

Defining boundaries after divorce Following a divorce, a major challenge that will need to be addressed is readjusting roles and defining boundaries. Childless couples may simply decide to cease all future communication with each other but this becomes practically impossible when there are children involved, necessitating to establish roles. For starters, remember that you and […]

Can Prenuptial Agreements Can Be Deemed Invalid?

Multiple benefits to a prenuptial agreement Among its other benefits, a prenuptial agreement is supposed to be a way to ease the process in the event the marriage goes south. It outlines everything from finances to assets and more. Since it is a binding contract that both soon-to-be spouses must agree on, the terms of […]

New Florida Law Protects Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets

Can pets be victims of domestic violence There is some positive news for domestic violence victims that are also pet owners. The recent passing of legislation is resulting in more protections. Specifically, SB 1082 allows judges to include pets in restraining orders filed against an abuser, allowing them to remain with the owner who is […]

How Do I Deal with a Difficult Co-Parent?

Co-parenting following a divorce already has its difficulties as both parents adjust to being single parents. However, if you’re dealing with a co-parent that is simply unreasonable, it can make the process that much harder. Instead of becoming angry, consider the following tips to adjust and adapt to the circumstances. Ideas for dealing with a […]

Three Reasons to Seek Assistance with Your Case

Alimony, hidden assets, and child custody are a trio of “components” in divorce cases where the insights of a legal professional can prove highly beneficial. Let’s delve into this a bit. During a divorce case, both spouses are expected to divulge all of their assets. However, there are plenty of cases where one spouse may […]

A Brief Look at Dependency Cases

Here is a hypothetical scenario: a child is taken away from you because, unbeknownst to you, someone anonymously contacted an abuse hotline alleging that the child was being neglected, abandoned, or abused. You now find yourself having to navigate the legalities of a dependency case. A dependency case, also called a Chapter 39 trial, is […]


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