2665 S. Bayshore Drive, Suite 1204, Miami, Florida 33133

Achieving an Amicable Divorce

Achieving an Amicable Divorce

It’s common to hear about divorces becoming bitter legal battles, but they don’t always have to be acrimonious. There are several ways you can go about keeping things amicable, let’s take a look at a few examples.

Remain out of the courtroom if possible. Once divorce heads to court, a lot of control is taken out of the soon-to-be-former spouses’ hands. This often results in conflict as litigation arises. Consider exploring other options such as mediation.

Seek experienced help. In many cases, individuals mistakenly think that the path to a peaceful divorce is to settle problems themselves. However, parties may make unwise choices that eventually cause more challenges. Individuals such as prosecutors, financial managers, and custody counselors can support individuals to manage challenging proceedings. They have the skills and information that can make it easier for divorcing partners to achieve satisfactory, enforceable arrangements while making rational choices.

Communication is everything. During a divorce, feelings run high. During these tough times, it is important to interact carefully with each other. To reduce the odds of saying or reading anything hurtful, try staying away from social media. Keep all personal experiences short and refrain from addressing any legal or delicate topics. For the sake of consistency and to eliminate uncertainty, you may want to put your exchanges in writing.

This update is provided by the firm Rafool, LLC. We have a strong reputation throughout Florida and we have numerous years of experience representing clients involved in complex divorce cases as well as other family law matters. If you would like help with an uncontested divorce in Miami, we can help pave the way to an amicable split. Call 305-567-9400 today for a consultation.

This information is provided for educational or informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice.


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